Waterfalls in Eyja- og Miklaholtshreppur

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Kaldakvísl flows alongside the old road over Kerlingarskarð mountain pass. The road is still in reasonable shape despite not being an official road anymore. Close to the road there is a series of waterfalls with the collective name of Kvíslarfossar. Downstream there is one more waterfall called Tagldarfoss.

Various rivers

  • The largest river in the area is Straumfjarðará. Close to the main road there is a waterfall in it called Rjúkandi.

  • Close to the Vatnaleiðir road there are two waterfalls in Þvergil canyon, one on each side of the road. The lower one falls into the empty course of Straumfjarðará, which at this point has been redirected to Múlavirkjun, a small hydropower plant.

  • On the mountainside above the farm of Þverá, the Þvergilsfoss waterfall flows over an impressive looking cliff wall.