Waterfalls in Vesturbyggð

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  • At the bottom of Kjálkafjörður, close to the old road, there is a very nice waterfall in Austurá. It’s easier to photograph the waterfall from the west side. The old road to the bottom of the fjord is still there, so it’s not too far to walk.

  • On the east side of Vatnsfjörður there is quite a spectacular waterfall in Þingmannaá. It’s close to the road even though it is not visible from there. Just north of the bridge over the river there is a parking lot.

  • Rauðisandur is one of the most beautiful places in Iceland to visit. Wide vistas, the red sands and a sense of being alone in the world. On the east side there are a series of waterfalls called Suðurfossar, which can be seen from the road in the distance. Near to where the road comes down from the mountain there are a couple of tall waterfalls in Mábergsá and Geitá.

  • At the head of Skápadalur there is a waterfall in Skápadalsá, another one in Þverá and yet another one here.

  • Where the road starts to climb over Kleifaheiði there is a tall waterfall in the impressive canyon Seljagil.

  • Literally 50m from the road over Kleifaheiði there is a small waterfall in Kleifaá called Gljúfrabúi.

  • Clearly visible from the road there is a small waterfall in Arnarstapaá.

  • At the bottom of Fossfjörður, in the river Fossá close to the farm of Foss, there is a waterfall called, believe it or not, Foss.