Waterfalls in Snæfellsbær

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The west end of the Snæfellsnes peninsula is long and narrow, so the rivers are typically short and have a small catchment area.

  • Kálfárfoss in Kálfá can be glimpsed from the road.

  • Bjarnarfoss falls spectacularly straight off the cliff edge. It’s tourist friendly with a parking lot and a path leading up to the waterfall.

  • About 600m to the west there is a small waterfall in Hraunhafnardalur valley.

  • The nicest waterfall in Snæfellsnes is Svöðufoss. It is remarkably difficult to photograph from up close. The east side is easy to get to by walking from Kerlingarfoss, but the waterfall can’t be photographed from that side. To get to it from the west side you would have to ford a substantial river, which I didn’t fancy. So the photo is taken with a drone. There are signs for a tourist spot and parking lot, which is disappointingly far from the waterfall.

  • Kerlingarfoss is about 300m east of Svöðufoss. You can drive right up to it and it’s well worth a visit.

  • In the middle of the town of Ólafsvík there is a small waterfall with an uncertain name. I’ve seen it called Ólafsvíkurfoss and Bæjarfoss.

  • Just to the east of the town, Fossá flows down the Fossárdalur valley. Bolafoss can be seen from the main road.

  • Bugsgil is a small canyon about 1km east of Ólafsvík. It has a small waterfall in it.

  • Máfahlíð is on the impressive west side of Búlandshöfði mountain. Máfahlíðarfoss can be seen from the road.