Waterfalls in Skorradalshreppur

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Near the road over the Geldingadragi mountain pass there are some nice waterfalls.

  • In Dragá river, right beside the road, there are two waterfalls Kerlingarfoss and Nautafoss.

  • Upstream, the Hestadalsá river flows into Dragá. It has a waterfall in a rough, rocky setting called Hestadalsfoss. It’s not too far from the road.

  • Closer to the lake there are two waterfalls on the mountainside. One in Sellækur and one in Drageyraröxl.


Fitjaá river flows from Eiríksvatn, a small lake in Uxahryggir, into Skorradalsvatn lake. At the head of the valley there is a rough track on the north side of the river that follows a powerline down into the valley. This track is not suitable for regular cars.

The nicest waterfall is Hvítserkur, a fan-shaped waterfall in a good setting. There’s another waterfall just above it.

Lower down, where the road is better, there are many small waterfalls, including Torfdalsfoss, Eiríksfoss, Reiðingskofafoss, Stekkjarfoss, Keilufoss, Mýrarfoss, Kjúkufoss, Kvíafoss and a small waterfall here.

South of Fitjaá

A number of small rivers flow into Fitjaá on the mountainside south of the river. These tend to almost dry up during dry spells. They can be seen from the road on the north side of the river but are difficult to access on foot, especially when there is a lot of water.

Skuggafoss is named, but others are just related to the canyons they are in: Bakkakotsgil, Fálkagil and Selgil.