Waterfalls in Skagafjörður

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  • The cliffs at Ketubjörg are interesting to visit. Just south of them a small stream falls off a cliff into the ocean, and a bit north there is another waterfall.

  • There is a nice waterfall in Selá, where it falls into the sea.

  • Close to the road there is a waterfall in Fossá. There’s another one just above the farm.

  • On a hillside in Laxárdalur valley there is a waterfall in the river Atlastaðaá. It can be seen from the road.

  • Also close to the road there are a couple of waterfalls in Grímsá, here and here. Upstream Hrafnsá falls into Grímsá, in a series of nice waterfalls.

  • Reykjafoss is a sizeable waterfall, in a somewhat dull environment. Easy to visit from the east side.