Waterfalls in Reykjavík

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The Elliðaár river flows from Elliðavatn lake through Reykjavík. One of the first hydropower plants in Iceland was built in the river and was operated from 1921 to 2013. It must be one of the few rivers in the world, if not the only one, where there is salmon fishing in the middle of a capital city.

The river has a number of small waterfalls. Kermóafoss is one of them.


Blikdalsá runs through the Blikdalur valley in Esja. There is a hiking trail on the south side of the valley starting from a parking lot, but there’s not a lot to see beyond the canyon that’s at the entrance of the valley.

There are some small waterfalls in the river. The most interesting ones are in the canyon.

  • Mannskaðafoss is at the start of the canyon - missing a photograph. It’s not visible from the south side. The word “Mannskaði” refers to a person losing his life, presumably in the waterfall.

  • Small waterfall in the middle of the canyon.

  • Dyrafoss is a the top of the canyon. It’s named after the “door” in front of it, formed by a magmatic dike.

  • Stórhæðafoss is just above the canyon. It’s location is uncertain, so the photograph might not be of the right waterfall.