Waterfalls in Grýtubakkahreppur

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The track (F839) from Eyjafjörður to Hvalvatnsfjörður runs through a long valley lined with mountains on both sides. These are heavy with snow come spring, so well into summer there is abundant water in the rivers. The road is reasonably good part of the way but it gets more difficult as you get closer to sea.

  • Efrifoss and Litlagerðisfoss in Fnjóská are close to each other. Together they are called Laufásfossar. These are not tall waterfalls but the river has a large catchment area and can get massive during thaws or after heavy rains.

  • A waterfall flowing into Illagil can be seen from the road.

  • Nearby, there is a waterfall in Gilsá, also close to the road.

  • About a km upstream there is another waterfall in Gilsá. This one is very nice.