Iceland roundtrip

Like last year I undertook a roundtrip of Iceland (maybe this will be a yearly thing?). Doing a roundtrip (“fara hringinn”) means driving road #1 which goes all the way around the island, mostly, but not completely, following the coast. The ring road is officially 1321 km but with all manner of detours, I estimate that I drove 2000 km in five days, of which 700 km from Borgarfjörður Eystri to Reykjavík were done in one go (almost, one nap had to be taken halfway).

I camped as there was absolutely no hotel accommodation available. But to be honest, camping and photography in Iceland do not go well together as camping requires good weather, while photography works best when there is at least some drama in the weather. So I was only moderately happy with the results.

My favorite photos from the trip were of the fog leaving the small island of Skrúður, off Vattarnes.




Iceland hinterlands