
A blog about photography and travel.

Travel, Germany, Autumn Bjorn Thorvaldsson Travel, Germany, Autumn Bjorn Thorvaldsson

Along the Rhine

Exploring the Rhine and it’s tributaries

In the latter half of November I preceded a work trip with a few days in the Rhineland-Palatinate where the Mosel and Neckar rivers join the Rhine.

The landscape is dominated by the rivers, beautifully lined with small towns, hill-top castles and forests in their still-colorful late autumn foliage. My favorite spot was Heidelberg, an age-old seat of learning on the banks of the Neckar which completely escaped the ravages of WWII.

In amongst all this natural beauty you also find the heartland of German industry. The BASF complex, on the banks of the Rhine in Ludwighshafen, is the largest integrated chemical plant in the world, covering 10 square kilometers.

We stayed in Koblenz for one night and Mannheim for two nights, both fairly unremarkable cities.

Photos were taken on Fujifilm XT5 and XE4 cameras using the XF16-55, XF50-140 and XF23f1.4 lenses.

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