Washington DC

Late November I travelled to upstate Pennsylvania for a customer visit. I would have loved to spend a few days exploring there, it looked like an interesting rural area with rolling hills, colonial-style houses and nice small cities. There was no time for that unfortunately.

I did extend the trip to stay a few days in Washington DC. The city has an imposing center, with grand government buildings and memorials clustered around the National Mall. Other things to mention are the Arlington cemetery, which is well worth a visit, and the unique metro system. I’m a bit of a train fan, and I found the brutalist design used for all the stations fascinating.

But on the whole I have to say that the city is not very inspiring, so a couple of days is more than enough for a visit. Also the weather was mostly gray and rainy, and not ideal for photography.

Photos taken on Fujifilm XT5 and XE4 cameras using a variety of lenses, and an iPhone 13 Pro Max (due to a temporary misplacement of the real cameras).




Along the Rhine