Seattle and Bellevue

Mid November I travelled to Seattle for a week of work at our company’s office. I flew in two days early to spend the weekend in Seattle, and to take the edge off the jetlag, before going to Bellevue where the office is located. At the end of the trip, after my flight was delayed by 24 hours, I spent one more night in Seattle.

Not much going on in Bellevue in terms of photography but I did manage to spend a couple of days walking around Seattle taking photos. There was a definite change in the atmosphere from the last time I was there with lots of homeless people about, stores and restaurants closed and even Macy’s is closed. Especially the area around Pioneer Square has really gone to the dogs. On the positive side the double decker highway on the waterfront has been pulled down and the area is being re-developed.

The morning after I arrived I picked up the GF80mm F1.7 lens for my GFX50R at Glazer’s Camera, a wonderful camera store close to the city center. The GF80mm is a magnificent lens, one that I’m really looking forward to use in the future. It’s incredibly sharp and has very pleasing, soft bokeh when wide open.

The photos are taken with the GFX50R using the 50mm and 80mm lenses, and with the XE4 using the 16-55mm lens.




Weekend in Switzerland