Nova Scotia
Early June I want by myself to Nova Scotia for a week’s trip. Icelandair had just started flying there (I was on the first flight), it’s a short flight and I’d never been there before. I didn’t know a lot about it except that the company I work for opened its first foreign office there back in the 1980’s, and we had a lot of business there in the fishing industry.
So it was an exploration of sorts, with pros and cons from my point of view.
Cape Breton is beautiful and not too touristy. Also the area south of Halifax (Peggy’s Cove, Lunenburg), although a bit more touristy.
If you’re into history don’t miss Fort Louisburg.
If you’re into lighthouses (which I am) there’s a lot of them.
If you’re into ship spotting (which I am as well) there’s a couple of places that are good, especially Halifax.
The Annapolis Royal botanical garden is well worth a visit.
In season, the lobster and oysters are fabulous. But you have to find a good restaurant for it, otherwise you’ll get disappointed.
Nova Scotia is quite large and there are big parts of it that are not that interesting. Especially for landscapes. Expect to do a lot of driving.
Halifax has a nice, small seafront area but otherwise it’s a bit dull.
If I should go there again I would go for the autumn colors (the whole island is basically nothing but coast and trees) and I would concentrate on Cape Breton.