
Between Christmas and New Year I travelled with my brother to Berlin on a photography and city trip. Lots of walking, taking photos and having beers. We also took a day trip to Leipzig and Wittenberg, places I’ve not been before, now off the bucket list.

I like Berlin. It’s a bit scattered and disjointed, having been two cities for a long time, but it manages to be both down to earth and bohemian at the same time, which is an interesting mix. Its turbulent history is visible everywhere, and some places are quite emotional to visit. This still sits badly with many people, but at least you can give the Germans credit for not trying to hide what has happened. A case in point is the Neue Wache, a powerful testimony to the horrors of war.

Photos are taken with the Fujifilm XT-5, with XF10-24mm, XF50mmF2.0 and XF80mmF2.8 lenses, and a GFX50R with the GF80mm lens. We got good light a few times, and the GFX50R is just marvelous when that happens.


Scotland, Isle of Skye


Highgate Cemetery